How do you make wax melts yourself?

How do you make wax melts yourself?

Are you looking for a way to add some warmth to your home? Placing a wax melt in a burner can transform the ambiance of your dwelling in an instant.

You will notice a significant difference as soon as it releases new scents into the area. Essential oil-infused melts not only smell great, but they may help improve your mood.

But, maybe you don't feel like buying from a store - you want to try and make your own!

Today, we'll cover how to make your own soy wax melts quickly and easily. Then, we'll uncover the top place to buy your wax melts if you decide you want to go that route instead.

What are wax melts?

Wax melts are wickless wax and fragrance cubes that melt in a wax melter to release the aroma into an area, and they can be made at home!

To produce them, almost any wax can be mixed with essential oils, scent oils, and a range of other decorations and colors.

They're an excellent way to scent a space or an area without the dangers of a burning candle or an open flame.

How are wax melts different than candles?

Melts come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and smells, but they all do the same thing: melt over a hot surface and release the aroma into the air.

Wax melts are similar to candles, with the most notable differences being their size and lack of wick (wax melts do not have a wick).

If you're learning to create them from scratch, you'll find that it's a lot easier than making candles.

Wicks are the most challenging aspect of a candle's construction since faulty wicking can cause safety hazards and potentially destroy your candle's hot throw. Melts (sometimes referred to as "tarts" by certain suppliers) solve this difficulty by melting the wax on a hot plate.

The temperature of hot plates, like flames on wicks, varies, affecting how effective a melt is.

Wax melts typically last 3-12 hours before losing their entire smell.

The four guiding principles on creating wax melts at home

When creating your own wax melts, there are four things you need to keep in mind - these will directly affect the success you see.

1. Wax type makes a difference

Melts go through four stages in life:

  1. Poured directly into a mold
  2. Removed from the mold
  3. Placed into a warmer
  4. Removed from the warmer

Waxes that "release" them more easily are frequently better to utilize because they've been "removed" from somewhere several times.

"Mold release" is the technical word for it.

A higher melt point is another beneficial attribute that isn't always required.

Waxes with lower melt points may not hold up in hot storage or shipping conditions, resulting in a sloppy mess. It doesn't matter if you're in the correct climate or don't care about their pre-melting appearance.

2. Different warmers produce different results

You can make the perfect wax melt, but if used in a warmer that's too hot or too cold, it won't function as well.

According to the principle, each wax melt has a specific melt pool temperature range for smell throw. It varies per wax melt design due to wax, essential oils, fragrance oil, and any other ingredients used in the candle.

Most of the notes will evaporate before they have a chance to float up into local air currents if the warmer heats the wax-up too hot. There won't be enough activity if it's too cool.

Fortunately, wax melts are forgiving, so you shouldn't have too much trouble getting them to work.

3. You can add a lot of items to melts that can't be added to candles

The disadvantage of candles is their sensitivity to certain substances.

Because the fundamental way of combustion is an open flame supported by a wick, anything that does not comply with either of those components is strictly forbidden.

Small particle-based colors (pigments) like crayons or mica powder, for example, will block the wick — and it won't take much to do so. Clogged wicks won't draw enough fuel to sustain the fire, causing the candle to self-extinguish.

On the other hand, an open flame increases the risk of objects burning if inappropriate materials are utilized. Some people overuse coffee beans and leaves in their candles, causing them to burn or catch fire, emitting a foul odor.

Both of these issues are solved by wax melts.

You can use most of those off-limits materials like glitter or mica powder because the wax melt only has to melt without a wick or open flame. Both provide a wealth of creative melt-making possibilities.

4. No shape or color is off-limits

Another significant advantage of a wax melt is that you have complete creative control over the shape and color!

Some people are put off by the fact that there are just a few shapes and sizes to choose from when manufacturing candles. While several unique candle shapes are either A) overly decorative or B) absolutely impracticable for burning.

How to make wax melts using natural ingredients

Are you ready to make your house smell amazing? You've been heard! Making wax melts from natural components like essential oils is actually relatively straightforward. The entire procedure will take approximately 20 minutes (plus a couple of hours for the melts to solidify). Here's everything you need to know.


• 15-20ml essential oil*

• 200g beeswax beads

• 100g coconut oil

• 10g of candle dye (add more for a stronger colour)

* Choose any type of essential oil (or an essential oils blend!) That suits you.


• Heat-proof glass bowl

• Saucepan

• Large spoon

• Silicone mold


1. Preparation

It's critical to prepare your room before starting your wax melt, especially since working with wax can be pretty messy! Make sure you're working on a clean, flat surface, and move anything you don't want to get wax on out of the way.

Also, make sure you have your clamshells on hand because the process can run much quicker than you think. Calculate how much wax you'll need by weighing or measuring it. We'll use 100g in this example.

Fill a pot halfway with water and put to a low simmer on the stove.

2. Melt the beeswax, coconut oil & candle dye

Fill your heating pot halfway with your now-measured wax. Warm your wax to 70°C while carefully swirling it.

In a heat-proof glass dish, combine the beeswax, coconut oil, and candle color. Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water to start heating it up. As the ingredients melt, carefully mix them with a large spoon.

Temperatures should not exceed 80°C. It takes about 10 to 15 minutes for it to melt. We used a glass bowl in a pan half filled with water for our demonstration. Keep an accurate temperature reading using your thermometer.

3. Add essential oil

Remove the wax from the heat once the dye has completely dissolved, and continue to monitor the temperature until it reaches 65°C. Open your bottle of fragrance oils or essential oils and pour it into the wax once it has reached 65°C.

While pouring the fragrance, gently stir the wax. We recommend using up to 10% fragrance oil or essential oils. Therefore 500 ml of fragrance oils will scent 5 kg of wax.

4. Pour into silicone molds

Now that you've mixed all of your ingredients and your wax has reached 60-65°C, it's time to pour the wax. Pour the molten wax into a pouring jug from the container. Pour your wax slowly into the wax melt mold. (If using paraffin wax and plastic wax melt molds, pour at 60°C; any hotter will melt the molds and cause them to leak.)

Your wax melts should be hardening at this point. Allow a few hours for them to set and firm completely. To cure your wax melts, store them in a cool, dark place for about two weeks. This isn't required, so if you're itching to start melting a few hours after they've set, that's ok too!

5. Enjoy your wax tarts!

Allow the wax melts to set by placing the tray in a cold area. Your homemade wax melts will be ready to use in a few hours. You can take them out of the pan and put them in Tupperware or a sealable bag to keep them fresh.

How to make wax melts using leftover candles

Is it possible to make wax melts from an old soy wax candle? Yes, to put it briefly. This procedure, however, will only work for soy wax candles that have been left over. It would help if you did not try to add essential oil to the wax from a regular candle. It's simply not going to work.

If your favorite soy wax candle, on the other hand, is about to burn out, there's a quick technique to salvage it. It only takes a few minutes to make some homemade wax melts with it. Here's how it's done, without further ado:

1. Remove the scented soy wax candle from its package first. Chop the wax into small pieces to make it simpler to melt.

2. Place the shavings in a heat-resistant basin. In a saucepan, bring around 300ml of water to a simmer and place the bowl on top of it.

3. Stir the candle wax with the large spoon until it has melted and is smooth. (Keep in mind that the more candle wax you have, the longer this step will take!)

4. Pour the melted wax into the ice cube tray and set them aside to solidify in a cool area. You may keep them in Tupperware or a sealable bag once they've hardened.

Three expert tips for making amazing wax melts

Let's take things a step further now that you know how to produce wax melts at home. Before you get started making your wax melts, there are a few things you should be aware of. Here are three expert recommendations to help you master this type of art.

1. Experiment with essential oil blends

Which one will you choose?

Why not make a relaxing blend of essential oils that complement each other? You should feel free to experiment with different combinations while producing wax melts from natural substances. Citrus smells, for example, seem to go well together. For a very refreshing aroma, combine lemon, lime, and orange.

2. Use as much oil as you like

Use as much quantity of essential oils as you think you'll need. Many folks wonder how much scent to use per pound of wax. However, the reality is that it is entirely up to you. It may be a subject of trial and error when you initially begin, but you will quickly find your footing.

3. Try using fancy molds

You want your homemade wax melts to appear nice, whether you're giving them as a present or using them yourself. The solution could be to use elegant ice cube trays or molds. You can manufacture wax melts in a variety of shapes, including stars, hearts, and more.

Common wax melt questions

What if I can't remove the wax from the mold?

It's possible that your wax doesn't have a good "mold release" or that the mold isn't designed for candle wax.

In any case, the most straightforward approach to remove melts without destroying them is to freeze them for an hour or so before attempting to remove them.

In the cold, wax shrinks; hopefully, your mold doesn't shrink as well.

How long do wax melts last?

The amount of time a melt will scent a space is determined by several things.

Warmers that run at a high temperature will evaporate faster than warmers that run at a lower temperature.

Wax melts typically last between 3 hours and three days under normal conditions, although your mileage may vary!

Can I use any wax to make melts?

You can produce wax melts using any wax, but some are better than others (as advertised). You'll want to look for wax that has:

• Higher melt points (125°F – 145°F work best)

• Good mold release – this is usually advertised as "tart" or "wax melts."

A popular alternative is to combine beeswax and coconut wax with essentials oils. Coconut wax has a lower melt point and less structure than beeswax, but adding it raises it and improves other characteristics as well.

Use two parts beeswax to one part coconut.

What should I do if I can't smell the wax melt?

If you are unable to locate a fragrance that throws at all, begin with the first item. If that doesn't work, move on to the next step.

Place the warmer in another room. It's sometimes just a case of misbehaving air currents.

Use different essential oils or a different wax warmer altogether. Some fragrances and essential oil aren't well-suited to specific waxes or temperature ranges.

Does adding more fragrance oil to the wax increase the scent throw?


Consider the aroma as the source of energy and the wax warmer as the vehicle for delivering it. Adding more gasoline to the delivery system will not always improve its efficiency.

It can affect at times, but if you're not getting any aroma, it's more likely due to an imbalance of other factors than the concentration of essential oils in the wax melts.

Furthermore, low-quality fragrance oil, like low-quality fuel, will not provide you with the desired outcomes. Investing in a better fragrance oil can sometimes improve your olfactory experience tenfold!

Why go to the hassle of making wax melts at home when you can buy them on a budget?

Making wax melts at home is a messy and time-consuming process.

If you're ready to give wax melts a try, it's only natural to go with Devon Wick, the best soy wax melts out there. No other brand offers the same level of ingredient quality, aroma longevity, or affordable costs. It's a no-brainer to have a look at their wax melts right now!

Devon Wick wax melts are a better alternative to candles since they are safer, healthier, more eco-friendly, less expensive, last longer, have more aroma, and are more convenient.

They are unquestionably worthwhile! But, we also have soy wax candles available if you want to go that route. Plus, you'll find reed diffusers, bath bombs, room & linen sprays, and more - all crafted by hand with the finest, natural ingredients possible.

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